Content Automation Tools

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The Way Most People Blog

image of a man sitting at a desk frustrated with the lack of progress in his manual blogging efforts.

Manual blogging can be time-consuming and frustrating

Are you tired of spending hours on end crafting blog posts that get no traction? Say goodbye to the struggle and hello to the solution with our proven tools and software for automated blogging.

A Better Way to Scale Blogging

image of robot sitting at a desk autoblogging

You can let robots create your articles for you.

Revolutionize your content creation process with cutting-edge technology that will have your blog posts generating traffic and leads in no time.

The Benefits...

No more writer's block, no more tedious editing, just effortless and effective blog posts that will attract new readers and have them begging for more.

The tools and software highlighted on these pages are so intuitive and user-friendly you'll wonder how you ever managed without them. And with their expert support teams at your fingertips, you'll never have to worry about a thing.

So why waste another minute on ineffective blogging? Join the ranks of successful bloggers who have already made the switch to the game-changing software highlighted on these pages.

You'll be glad you did,

Tools and Software

Nowadays, there are numerous standalone apps that can create content based on some keywords you provide, but the publishing part is not automated. There are plugins that can grab the content from RSS feeds and publish the content on your WordPress blog. Then, there are software platforms that can create and publish the content.

Standalone Apps

Since being introduced in November 2021, OpenAI has spawned a cottage industry of apps that help write content for blogs.

While there now seems be an nearly endless parade of AI content writers and editors, arguably one of the most popular apps is called ZimmWriter (ZW). 

ZW takes inputs from you and uses your OpenAI API (Application Programming Interface) to create some really well-written articles. ZW even lets you create up to a hundred articles in one go.

Other popular AI content writers are Authored Intelligence, Surfer, and Jasper.

The Authored Intelligence suite of tools is the brainchild of copyrighting industry veteran and popular Frase contributor, Peter Hatherly. Peter has created a standalone web app that has a robust suite of automated writing tools, including Agency Writer, AI Professional, Semantic Author, and Conceptual Author.

The Surfer content editor has a scoring system that compares how your content compares to other top-ranking website pages. And Surfer has a new automated AI writing feature that helps get content ranked favorably in search engines.

Jasper has numerous templates for quickly creating content for blog intros, video scripts, social posts, ads, etc. Jasper has an integration with Surfer so you can see how your Jasper content scores against ranking competitors.

A newcomer to the AI writing arena is WordGalaxy. This standalone app creates well-written articles using your OpenAI API, your chosen keywords, and your section headings. WordGalaxy's creator shows you how he creates the section titles using Google's Bard AI.

WordPress Plugins

image of a robot plugging in extended functionality to a computer server

Plugins extend functionality to WordPress websites - like importing & publishing RSS feed content

WordPress plugins for grabbing and posting RSS feed content have been around for a long time. WordPress websites and many other types of websites typically make their written content available for syndication (posting elsewhere).

WordPress Plugin Defined

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress.

In this case, the extended functionality is an RSS feed plugin that imports content to your blog that was previously published on another blog.

The early plugins simply kept track of new content being made available elsewhere, then grabbed it and posted it on the website the plugin was installed on. This is the "curation" model of content posting, as you're curating the content from another website and publishing it on your blog as "fresh" content. Some of the plugins even made it so you could prepend and/or append some commentary of your own so that what's posted is not technically 100% duplicate content.

Duplicate Content

The subject of "duplicate content" is debated in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) circles as to whether it hurts or doesn't affect the website posting the duplicate content. Some experts say it's basically "fresh content," which helps search engine ranking.

Others say that posting duplicate content hurts a website. They show examples of pages containing duplicate content that has yet to be indexed in the search results.

In between, some say it's neither rewarded nor punished.

Insider Tip - But there's a special way to bring in content from elsewhere that will not be duplicated when published, and it will attract search engine visitors. More on this in another article.

Newer plugins, like CodeCanyon's WordPress Automatic Plugin offer more manipulation of the incoming content, including filtering incoming content based on keywords, spinning it (automatically rewriting it), and publishing it in specific categories on a blog.

Other RSS Feed plugins include WP RSS Aggregator, Feedzy RSS Feeds, and Super RSS Reader.

Software as a Service (SaaS) Apps

Here's where we get into the apps that can do it all. SaaS apps can combine feeds, create written content, add images & videos, insert additional helpful content, strip out HTML, schedule the articles to be posted, and post the articles.

Examples of SaaS apps are AiMasher and RSSMasher. AiMasher is an AI content creating and publishing machine. RSSMasher is an RSS feed mixing and matching machine.

image of female robot sitting at a desk creating auto blog content

Set up automation for your content marketing

Wrapping It Up

If you're just dipping your toes into blogging and want some helpful writing assistance, try one of the RSS feed aggregation plugins, like WordPress Automatic Plugin. If you're a little more serious, try one of the AI content writing tools, like ZimmWriter, Authored Intelligence, Surfer, Jasper, or WordGalaxy. If you are raring to go and want some powerful automated blogging features, try adding RSSMasher to your toolbox.

image of a young man sitting at a table with robots next to him

Our FAQ bots have gathered the relevant questions about automated content tools and software, and our lab assistant, Elroy, has prepared the answers for you.

FAQs - Content Automation Tools

What are automated content creation tools?

Automated content creation tools are software or platforms that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate content for various uses, such as articles, blogs, social media posts, or email content. These tools work by analyzing data inputs and generating text that resembles human-like writing.

How do automated content creation tools work?

Automated content creation tools typically operate based on machine learning algorithms. They analyze and understand large data sets, learn from them, and subsequently generate new, relevant content based on user input. Some of these tools also leverage Natural Language Generation (NLG) technology to create human-like text.

What are some examples of automated content creation tools?

Some popular examples of automated content creation tools include Article Forge, Authored Intelligence, WordGalaxy, and ZimmWriter. These tools vary in their functionalities and the type of content they can generate.

Is there a tool that can rewrite curated content?

Yes, but some are much better than others. Yesterday's word-spinners (apps that write content mainly using synonyms and changing sentence structure) do a so-so job of rewriting content. While the word-spinners have improved over the years, they still don't match the quality of newer, more capable tools, like WordAI - which does an excellent job of rewriting articles.

Some content curation plugins come with the ability to integrate word-spinners, like Spin Rewriter. This allows you to automatically have Spin Rewriter rewrite a newly curated article. SaaS apps, like RSSMasher, come with integrations for Spin Rewriter and the more capable WordAI - both of which will automatically rewrite newly curated articles for RSSMasher to publish.

What are the benefits of using automated content creation tools?

These tools can save time and effort by generating content more quickly than humans. They can also generate content based on user input and large-scale data analysis, leading to unique insights. They are especially useful for producing repetitive types of content quickly, such as themed blogging topics, product descriptions, etc.

Are there any limitations to the use of automated content creation tools?

With the Authored Intelligence suite of tools aside, while automated tools are increasingly sophisticated, they can still struggle with generating content that requires creative or emotional depth. They also might create content with errors if the data input is not sufficiently clean or accurate. Furthermore, the content created may lack the unique personal touch of a human writer.

How accessible are automated content creation tools?

Many automated content creation tools are cloud-based and user-friendly, making them easily accessible. There are free versions, as well as more robust paid versions depending on your requirements. It's important, however, to have a basic understanding of your goals and needs to select the most suitable tool.

Do automated content creation tools improve SEO rankings?

If used correctly, automated content creation tools can contribute to SEO. These tools can create keyword-optimized and consistent content that search engines prefer, thereby improving SEO. However, while they can support SEO efforts, it's important to ensure the content meets your audience's needs and maintains a high level of quality to keep them engaged. Recent algorithm updates by Google say that the content needs to be considered "helpful content."

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Articles - Content Automation Tools 

July 11, 2023

Sneak Peek – AiMasher

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